『下羚羊谷门票』下羚羊峡谷门票+印第安向导(X:15和X:45时段可选) 用户评论

  • ef**el
    • 2018-05-18 23:19:32

    We booked the ticket at Wannar.com, really cheaper than other platforms but it did not disappoint our experience any more. Breathtaking views in Lower Antelope Canyon that I thought no other natural attractions I had seen before can compare its beauty. Really AWESOME, really AMAZING! These incredible rocks and ladders made you wonder to know how tiny we are but great of nature it was!

  • le*****ry
    • 2018-01-21 23:18:58

    One of the most awesome places I have seen and visited, unlikely stunning views to the Grand Canyon, the Lower Antelope Canyon showed more mysterious scenery that you cannot believe such these wonderful places had really existed before you truly seen it by yourself. The price of ticket was reasonable as well. My family also enjoyed this trip either.