『特色入住西峡小木屋』胡佛水坝、南峡/羚羊谷/拉斯自由行 任选一天、巧克力工厂、奥莱血拼 4日游(赠超级大礼包) 用户评论

  • 李*太
    • 2019-07-03 17:37:45

    I got very good service by 2 officers, I forgot the 1st lady's name? She help me go through the registration on the line, the password not go through, she help me on her side of website, let the transaction go through, on the 2nd day, I got approved on the order, I called back to verify all the detail on order, I am not sure her name, may be is the name on receipt. - Ms. Tian, Lydia, she help me step by step understand my payment, I hope my vacation will have same good experience like these service,Thanks